In introducing our Arabic Debating and Public Speaking Club and bringing our club closer to the eyes and aware of the IIUM community, our Public Relation Bureau and its sub-communities had an agreement to organize our Grand Open Day dated on 12th Feb 2010 from 9 am to 5 pm.
Lots of invited guests and honourable IIUM community turned up on that day making the event more blissful, enchanting and enthralling. We had two sessions on that event. In the morning session, we with open arms and heartily welcomed our advisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Majdi Hj Ibrahim as a part of our honourable and respectable guests whom was very happy and content to see our delightful and creative decorated Operation Room. He, himself, could not stop beaming and grinning merrily looking at our walls overwhelmed with art creations and manufactured creativities of the students, through out his nearly-two-hour visit. He was ushered by his own happy-go-lucky Personal Assistant, Kak Lia, accompanied by Dr. Nadwah, an Arabic lecturer here. They were somehow, amused by our newly-adorned Operation Room and came out with a lot of fresh innovative idea in beaming our room at the most of it.
Between the morning session and evening session, we had a gap for almost three hours for the Jum`ah Congregational Prayer. Later, we proceeded the event with our evening session by greeting and hailing for more guests that turned up quite a number. The room was really packed with laughters and chatting among the guests squeezed between the voices of terrified and full-handed sub-committees fear that the food would not enough for the merrily guests. Everyone was happy and delightful exchanging news among each other.
Between the joyous and cheerful event, we managed to receive a visit from a knowledgeable academician from Algeria whom was (and still is) conducting a research on Arabic Language Acquisition among the Malaysians. Our friendly President and Vice President, Abu Hafiz and Nurhuda, answered the surveys and questions diligently. The academician was really amazed and startled at first as they both speak flawless Arabic.
Between the busy day, our cameraman managed to capture several candids during the event. Have a peep at it:
We were quite 'sincerely' proud of showing off our winning trophies.
Our advisor could not stop smiling to see our creative corner over here.
(Clockwise, Dr. Nadwah, Kak Lia, Nurhuda (standing), Abu Hafiz and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Majdi Hj. Ibrahim)
Every one was so much into serious discussion.
Our advisor was having a sip of the drink.
(How is the teh tarik, Dr. ?)
Our Public Relation Head, AlHafiz (in blue) was so happy attending some of his friends.
Alhafiz was preoccupied with the turn-up guests.
Nurhuda was explaining about our winning trophies to visitors.
Also our President, Abu Hafiz (in grey), briefing something to our international brother.
Every one was happy..... :)
This part also. (Right after Friday Prayer)
Between the chaotic situation, still the sub-committees could not say 'no' to give a pose!
(Eh,eh.. Be careful with the knife, dearie!)
Abu Hafiz was discussing seriously with the academician from Algeria.
Both, Abu Hafiz and Nurhuda diligently reacted to the questions and surveys.
A knowledgeable Professor from Algeria (right) was jotting down his founding.
One of our debaters, Bro. Ikhwan (right), was being interviewed by the Professor.
Abu Hafiz had a brief chit-chat with one of the visitors.
Our Book Club, mainly discussing about Arabic Debating.
(written by: Bro. Ikhwan and another two club Trainers: Ust Ibrahim and Ust Salah whom are very talented in Arabic Debating)
Every one was busy in selecting songs from our handy and savvy 'Music-Juke Box' (the laptop).
Our former Vice President, Bro. Hanan, was skipping through the book interestingly.
(The book can be purchased for RM40, from our Operation Room)